10 Foods to Eat for Healthier Gums
While you might think that oral health is all about the mouth, that notion isn't completely accurate. The health of your teeth and gums also affects the rest of the body. So, it's imperative to do everything you can to maintain your oral health, just like you do your...

How Do I Prepare for a Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal procedures have a bad reputation. The rumor is that they're painful and unpleasant. Thankfully, however, this really is not the case because modern dentistry techniques and anesthetics have made root canals less invasive, fast, and almost entirely...

What Is Oral Sedation and How Can It Help Me?
Experiencing fear of the dentist and/or stress or anxiety as a result of having to visit the dentist's office are actually fairly common experiences. While these emotions can range from extreme fear (dentophobia) to mild anxiety, they often result in people putting...